The Sophia Society Blog
4 Ways You May Have Been Spiritually Abused
If you grew up in a conservative evangelical church and/or household, it’s quite possible you experienced spiritual abuse, even if it was unintended. Why? Because, sadly…
Understanding Religious Trauma and Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse and the ensuing religious trauma aren’t tied to any particular religion, but more fundamentalist expressions of faith are breeding grounds for abuse.
Religious Trauma Is Real Trauma
It’s easy to think, “Gosh, my trauma is only spiritual in nature, so it’s not that bad.” Or “Other people have experienced much worse, so what do I have to complain about?” But religious trauma is real trauma.
Spiritual Abuse: Fear and Loathing in Evangelicalism
Did you know you have more than 50,000 thoughts per day, of which over half of them are negative? 90% of these same thoughts are exact repeats of what you thought the…
Easter: Re-Thinking Resurrection
I don’t hate Easter. I just hate this Easter. Maybe it’s because I’m away from my family or that church just hasn’t been the same since the pandemic, or that the same old demons are haunting my heart. But when I stop to think about it, Easter has never been my favorite high holy day.
God Is Dead: A Holy Week Meditation for Easter Vigil
Between the cross and the resurrection sits silent Saturday. A day too dark for words, a day too important to forget. Frederick Nietzsche famously declared, “God is dead,” and today, he’s right. The worst thing has happened, God in Jesus is dead, and we had a hand in killing Him.
Dying and Rising: A Holy Week Meditation For Good Friday
When we say '“Jesus died for us” we don’t mean it as some substitutionary atonement theory, or heavenly transaction, but rather from the perspective that Jesus died in solidarity with all our human suffering, transforming our pain…
Love One Another: A Holy Week Meditation For Maundy Thursday
It’s no small coincidence that yesterday we celebrated International Transgender Day of Visibility, a solemn occasion to give love, dignity, and full humanity to non-binary people who consistently suffer relentless attacks, abuse, and discrimination.
The Women Jesus Loved: A Holy Week Meditation For Spy Wednesday
Men move away from the cross, women move toward it. Men talk about things, women do things. It is women who God placed at the very center of the two greatest mysteries of our faith: the incarnation and resurrection of Jesus.
The Third Way: A Holy Week Meditation For Fig Tuesday
Even today among many conservative Christians, there is an almost fetish-like thrill in their disapproval of anyone who falls outside social, sexual, and spiritual lines of demarcation. We…
The Justice of Jesus: A Holy Week Meditation For Great Monday
We talk about the Social Gospel as if there is any other kind. It is a myth that the Gospel of Jesus can be personally redemptive without being socially responsible.
Palm Sunday: A Holy Week Meditation
Historians tell us two parades took place that first Palm Sunday in Jerusalem. Two “kings” entered the city representing two very different kingdoms: The Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world.
What Is Faith Deconstruction?
Depending on what circles you run in, the word “deconstruction” may be terrifying, trendy, or a complete mystery. In evangelical and fundamental Christian circles, deconstruction is…
Was America Founded As a Christian Nation?
Was America ever a Christian country? If you or someone you love continues to labor under the illusion that America is a Christian nation, here are three realities that debunk the myth that America was and should become once again a Christian nation.
How To Love Your Enemy in a Polarizing World
As thousands of white men stormed the Capitol with little resistance last month, I joined many others in wondering what would have happened if all those people…
Christ & Culture: 3 Ways to Resist Christian Nationalism
Is America a Christian nation? Was it ever? Should it be? Should Christians have power over culture, and what has happened to the marginalized when we were in power?
When Fascism Came to America
The insurrection at the Capitol Building wasn’t a spontaneous decision by rogue militants to commit treason, this day was decades in the making. Without a network of pastors, politicians…
Faith Deconstruction 101
Do you remember your first “doubt” or “big question” about life, faith, or the world? Do you remember how you responded to it? Did you keep it to yourself? Did you bring it up to…
Grabbing Paul by the Patriarchy: 4 Reasons Why the Apostle Wasn’t Patriarchal
Besides Jesus, the Apostle Paul is the most well-known figure in Christian history. But unlike Jesus, I’ve just never liked him…
Capitol Siege: The Price of Christian Patriarchy
Fueled by white rage, a culture-warrior mentality, and the idolatry of militant masculinity, evangelicals joined fascists, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis lashing out at a nation they no longer…